Saturday, September 1, 2007


The idea in family planning is to plan the number of children a couple are to have. This is necessary for the following reasons:
  • Financial reasons - may be the couple could not afford to feed and educate their children if they were to have more than they should
  • Health reasons - may be the spouse's health (usually the wife) is affected if she was to be pregnant too frequent
  • Age of the couple - may be the couple is too young to have children
How is family planning to be done? By practicing CONTRACEPTION. What is contraception? Prevention of pregnancy.

How is pregnancy to be prevented? By means of contraceptive methods (birth control methods). There are four main groups of contraceptive methods:
  • Natural method
  • Mechanical method
  • Chemical method
  • Surgical method
Each of these methods will be further discussed in the next posts.